Daily life and fulfillment

Usually when I'm happy I tend to think that I am happy despite daily life. I tend to think that spicing things up and doing random things is part of what makes life fun. I still think that, but I also think that doesn't necessarily imply that not doing that makes life not fun. I find pleasure in doing something well, and I'm getting better at doing my every day things, every day. If you focus on something and focus on getting better at it, then you can find enjoyment.

I love building things. I love it when there's a problem I can't quite grasp, but then I start working on it and, as I am working on it, the solution becomes clear. That's just such a satisfying moment. But it's also where my flaw lies, because as soon as I grasp the solution I lose interest. I get the fulfillment from thinking about the problem, starting to solve it and finding the solution in my mind, but not from working it out until the end. So after I find the solution it just becomes a chore; yet another thing to finish.

(No moral or life lesson. Just observations.)


Posted in Daily Life , Thoughts

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