
It's been very sunny the last week, and as a result my face is bright red and my arm is burned in four different colors. My hands are fine because I'm always wearing gloves, but the piece of skin connecting my hand to my arm is burned the worst, because it's always in the sun, even when I'm wearing long sleeves. The rest of my arm used to be a healthy brown color but it turned a bit too red today, so I had to cycle in the hot sun wearing my raincoat.. My shoulder area is burned worse than my hand but less than my arm. It looks strange.

Despite wearing cycling gloves all the time the trip is finally starting to take its toll on my hands: some of the skin on my palms is starting to come off. It's not unexpected: the last trip I was wearing crappy gloves and the skin came off after one week. I'm improving o_0

I'm in the public bath right now, leeching off their electricity to charge my laptop, which was half empty. After this I need to go out and set up my tent. Ready for another night of cold T_T

Tomorrow I'll be in Kyushu!

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