
Random thoughts that I wanted to post here:

  • Lost my mobile phone charger. I'll be turning it off until I get a chance to buy a new cable.
  • I'm carrying way too much stuff. Tomorrow I'm going to throw away a lot of stuff and repackage.
  • The clothes that I brought by chance have proven to be the best: very old raincoat for cold weather but not heavy rain, very old sweater with hood for cold nights. So far I'm neutral about the 'pro' cycling clothes. At least they got long sleeves so I'm protected against the sun.
  • I'm carrying way too much gadgets. I don't know where to put them.
  • My bicycle's handlebar is full: camera bag, compass, bicycle computer, light. I don't have room for my iPod.
  • Putting the バカ in バカンス --> バカ(baka) means idiot, バカンス (bakansu) means 'vacation'. Pardon me for explaining.
  • I really like being in a hot warm nice comfortable room.
I keep on thinking of weird stuff while I'm cycling, but I forget to write it down. I should have a voice recorder or something.


Posted in Spirit of Japan

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