A wintery weekend

It did not stop snowing, and my cold did not disappear. Thursday I thought it was ok to head in to the office, but I was sorely mistaken. Friday I stayed at home and felt quite sick still. Thankfully I recovered a lot over the weekend, something which can't be said about the weather. It just keeps snowing and snowing and snowing.


The cat does not care.


The weekend wouldn't be a proper Bri'ish weekend without the customary Sainsbury shopping experience. It was surprisingly not so busy this week, probably because of all the snow.


Going home on Sunday I was hoping to find an empty train and a quiet walk home, but the train was full of people and there were annoying loud chav people everywhere on the walk home. It's no surprise that South Oxhey can be found on the ChavTowns website. I highly recommend reading all 300 comments on that article, they're quite hilarious, yet sad at the same time.


This is what my front door looked like after 2 days away.


All in all, a quite successful and memorable weekend.


(Random blog fact: out of all 2698 comments on this blog, 1164 are spam. This is sad.)

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