UK Retirement Calculator

This chart shows you what your financial capital will be like around retirement, taking into account a variety of things that apply to living in the UK, such as having a mortgage, a personal pension, a state pension, ISAs etc. Please note that this calculation is an approximation and real life is a lot more complicated than this projection. The information presented here is not financial advice and any conclusions you draw from the information presented on this page are your own.

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This is the amount your household (or your contribution to the household income) requires to live currently, excluding mortgage and work-related expenses that will disappear after you retire.

This amount is adjusted for inflation each year when calculating your capital.

This should not include the money you put aside for investing or pension.

This is the average estimated economic inflation.

The Office for National Statistics has more info.

An estimate of how much your cost of living increases in addition to the economic inflation.

If you expect to be spending more money each year then this number should be higher than the expected economic inflation.

If you expect to be affected by economic inflation less then this number could be negative, e.g. when you are retired and are no longer spending a lot.

The number of persons in your household. The calculation here assumes that all persons are of the same age and retire at the same time. If there's more than one person in your household, any income and capital estimates should be for the combined household.

This number is used when calculating tax-free allowances and state pension amount.

Your savings as of today.

This is the main pool of money/stocks/funds/other assets that your yearly expenses will be paid out of after retirement.

The amount of money you add to your capital pool each year while you are still working.

Your expected yearly profit percentage across all of your investments.

In a typical retirement strategy this number would go down over time as you reinvest into safer investments closer to retirement.

Refer to the HMRC Capital Gains Tax page for more information.

This number is multiplied by the number of persons when calculating the tax to pay each year.

The percentage of increase in capital gains allowance each year.

While this might hold pace with economic inflation, it's not guaranteed.

This is the percentage of your capital on which you don't have to pay taxes in investment gains.

See HMRC Individual Savings Accounts (ISA) for more information.

If all your investments are in an ISA you don't have to pay any tax on investment returns. However, the calculation on this page assumes that you are taking your personal pension as a lump sum as soon as you are allowed to. If that amount exceeds the yearly ISA allowance you will have to pay tax on that.

Your expected yearly profit percentage across all of your personal pension investments until you take the lump sum payment.

This will likely be a different number from the ROI on your other capital pools as most pension pools will only allow you to invest in a subset of investment assets.

The year in which you are allowed to withdraw your personal pension. Your pension provider typically will not allow you to withdrawal the full amount of your pension until you reach a certain age.

See also the HMRC Personal Pensions page.

This calculation assumes that your personal pension flows into your main capital amount on the year that you are allowed to withdraw the full amount, after which it will be zero.

The total amount you pay for your mortgage each year. This amount is not adjusted for inflation since the calculation assumes a fixed-rate mortgage.

This amount won't be deducted from your capital before your retirement year.

If you anticipate remortgaging, buying a new mortgage product, or a variable rate mortgage increasing in cost, you should include those estimates in this number.

Check this on the HMRC State Pension Age page.

See HMRC's State Pension page for more information.

The calculation will use the number of years you worked as of your specified retirement year in order to calculate the amount of yearly state pension you are entitled to.

It also takes into account the number of persons in your household. For simplicity this calculation assumes that all (contributing) members to your household reach pension age at the same time.

The calculation used here adjusts this number in step with the specified inflation numbers.

This is the number of years you have worked in the UK as of today.

This is used to calculate how much of the total amount of state pension you are eligible to receive after retirement.