People are leaving soon!

I will miss them...

Posted in Daily Life


This is Japan! Still. The rainy season is starting. It's a lot colder this year. Last year was very hot. This year the temperate is not even reaching 20C in the beginning of June. The good part is that I don't have to use my air conditioning at all, not for heating, not for cooling. The bad part is that it sucks to go outside. Anyway, enough about the weather.

Internet is destroying my life! It screws up priorities, and it breaks my life outside of internet. It's so easy to just go online and surf around aimlessly. The internet will never run out of content, and it's so easy to reach anything I want. Why would I want to leave it? I am neglecting washing my clothes, doing the dishes and cleaning up my room to name a couple of things, but I'm also neglecting to do useful things on the PC, like programming, studying or doing other things that could assist me in any way in the future. Once I grab a keyboard I will use any excuse to stay at my PC. Checking my e-mail one more time, waiting for that one person to come online so I can talk to them/her/it. It never ends. The internet is the destroyer of all productivity and all that is good in life. Which is why I love it.

I always have to learn the hard way, and I only get fed up with things long after other people have gotten bored with it. This seems to be my personality. After spending several weeks with only myself as company at home I am finally starting to get bored with all of this free time. There's many useful things I could be doing (should be doing?). I can't switch my entire lifestyle just like flicking a switch, but I can slowly move away from my current lifestyle and move into something better. It's about time for it.

Look at the photo. My room has not had this much space since two years ago when I first moved in.

Posted in Daily Life , Thoughts

Rainy season

The rainy seasons' downfall has come, and I misunderestimated it...

Anyway, got the IR filter today, but haven't gotten a chance to try it outside due to terrible weather.  I tried it inside and it works well on the Minolta DImage 7, and it's not even that bad on my 400D, but on the G7 it does nothing at all. Which is not too bad cause I don't have a filter holder for that camera anyway.

Besides that I'm working on converting a USB rocket launcher into a time-lapse video tool. I'm planning to mount my G7 on top of it, and I will control the launcher by PC so that it will rotate the camera very slowly while making the time lapse video. This will save me a huge amount of money and trouble, since all I have to do to make it work, is create a program that can move the launcher automatically over the course of one session. Most of the work is done in fact, and there's just some small kinks to work out. When it's done I'll post it here so other people can benefit from it too.

Yesterday I went to Akihabara and I had a chance to try out two of the new all-range stabilized lenses by Sigma and Tamron. I tried the Sigma 18-200mm (stabilized, I forgot what Sigma calls it...) and it was utter crap. I think the lens I tried might have been defective because the result was absolutely terrible. It wasn't usable at all at 200mm. Of course the f/6.3 aperture doesn't help either... So then I tried the Tamron 28-300mm and it was perfect. The images were incredibly sharp, and I could see the stabilizer kick in much more strongly (in the viewfinder) than even the Canon lenses, whereas I couldn't see any stabilization using the Sigma. It made the Tamron way more usable at 300mm than the Sigma was at 200mm.

That's all. More later. I hope I can show you some infrared shots or moving time-lapse videos next time.

Posted in Photography


Hello people. It's 2008. I'm still in Japan. Is that good or bad? Do I regret my choice? Should I look for something different? Should I stay here and be happy where I am? These are some of the choices that are not important to me at all.

Yup, that's a crappy intro for a massive subject. I'm not really thinking about making the right or the wrong choices, rather I'm thinking about whether or not I should regret the bad choices I made. I think I should, but I am finding more and more that each bad choice that I made has a huge amount of consequences, and some of those consequences, good or bad, have made me the person I am today. A bitter and cynical old bastard. Oh wait, I think that was Marco (the old one) o_0. I hope I'm not following into his footsteps... Nope. I'm still happy with who I am, and I know that in the end I will be a better person for it. A lot of past regrets are gone because of this. Now I find myself regretting that I could not have been a better influence on some of the people I have met...

Posted in Thoughts