Bicycle safety

I've had a flat tire twice in the past two weeks. Both times it was after leaving my bicycle in an area that I didn't think was very safe, and both those times it was most likely just my own fault. I parked my bike at the station again today, and I felt extremely relieved after coming back that it was still there and in one piece. My two flat tires and countless warnings from friends about how unsafe London is for bicycles have made me wary about leaving my bicycle anywhere. But is that justified? I'm still hoping it isn't, but I'm not keen to find out.

Posted in Cycling , Daily Life , UK

Moodlogger 1.2 released!

Moodlogger 1.2 is now available on iTunes and on! I added a whole bunch of things to the new version, hoping that I can work on improving the website from now on without having to worry about releasing a new version of the app. Here's the most important changes:

  • Offline mode. Registration is now optional (though you'll miss out on all the cool web stats if you don't register)
  • History view showing a list of recent moods (delete-able)
  • More moodset graphics added, hooray for Steven Seagal!
  • Location logging! No stats on that yet but there will be a ton of cool things that you'll be able to do if you turn this on.
Thanks everyone for trying it! I hope the project can really take off after this.

Posted in Tech | Tagged

The HN effect

The post about the Nigerian meta-scam enjoyed a brief period on the front page of Hacker News yesterday, which always brings massive amounts of traffic. The post fell down to the second page rather quickly, after which the traffic died down a bit, but today the post got picked up by the Wall Street Journal, causing another influx of traffic.

Not bad, but not nearly as popular as this bitcoin article I wrote a while back. During the height of its popularity the server couldn't handle the load and got very slow. Serves me right for refusing to pay more for hosting. In fact, I think it held up remarkably well.

</geek dick comparison>

It's events like these that make me happy that I'm still blogging.

Posted in Tech