Nexus S: initial impressions

I've been playing with my Nexus S phone for about 2 weeks now. I'll be blunt: I'm disappointed. I used to play with and program for an iPhone 3G and I currently own an iPad 2, and the user experience is just so much better on the iDevices. The reason I chose the Nexus S is mainly because I'm not a big fan of Apple (and I'm probably the closest to a Google fanboy you can get without actually being one), and also because I wanted to develop for Android. I really really want to give Google the benefit of the doubt. After spending time researching Android phones, dismissing all the ones that were ruined by custom telco firmware, I finally decided to go with the only 'true' Android smartphone there is, only to be disappointed.

So what am I disappointed in? The answer is: everything, really. The hardware, the software, the design, the battery life. Just everything. The battery life is "decent for a smartphone", but is 2 days of light usage really decent? What happened with all the technological advances in batteries? I remember the good old days (2 weeks ago) when you were able to use your phone for over a week without charging. It's not just the battery though. For some reason I always take my phone out of my pocket up-side down. I admit that this may be a result of my nutty head, but it's still something Google/Samsung could have improved on. The iPhone has a very distinct button that is impossible to miss, the Nexus S has a very slightly indented thing that could either be a speaker or a microphone. And no, the slight bulge at the bottom doesn't really help either when you're trying to take out your phone quickly.

The buttons aren't brilliant either. On the plus side, I love the tactile feedback you get when you press one of them. But the iPhone system with one button is just a lot simpler. And then there's the volume buttons and the on/off button. This is just terrible. I can't count the number of times I've accidentally pressed the on button while in the middle of something. I just can't seem to hold the damn thing properly. It's particularly problematic when holding the phone horizontal and watching videos. Every time I change volume I accidentally press the on button. Not funny. What's also mildly annoying is how quick the screen turns off when you're not using your phone, and that it doesn't light up when you've got a call. I'm sure these are just settings somewhere in the menu, but I haven't been able to find them. It's very annoying to have no visual clues at all when there's a phone call, especially if you've got headphones on.

Finally, there's the software. I love programming for Android. I'd rather write 10 Android apps than a single iPhone app. When I'm developing for Android I am pampered with lovely nice features and developing assistance that I cannot have on the iPhone. The internals of Android just 'click' for me from a developer's point of view. Objective-C has not ever clicked for me and I doubt that it ever will. It turns out to be a completely different story where you're on the user side of the OS, though. Android is laggy, slow and the thing I hate most is how scrolling and zooming just plain sucks compared to the iPhone. Why can't it be as smooth as the iPhone?! It's really frustrating. The built-in browser frustrates me as well: I always seem to accidentally hit Go when I try to type a letter. This rarely ever happened to me on an iPhone. But I do realize that this can be attributed to my fat fingers. One thing I do love about the keyboard is how it gives you suggestions while you type the words. This is absolutely excellent.

And then there's apps. I'd continue my rant here on how Android is so bad, but it isn't. All the useful apps are there. There's less crap apps and more free apps than there are on iOS. And at least I don't have to register with anyone to download apps.

I'm not entirely sure why I'm so negative about my phone. I really want to like it, but perhaps I've been exposed to iOS too much already. I'd like to think that I'm fairly objective, and I certainly don't want to dislike my phone, but it's just not as good as an iPhone. I really hope Google will kick Apple's ass with their next smartphone. Since they acquired Motorola they'll be able to build it exactly the way they want. Hopefully something excellent will come out of that. Until then, I hate to say it, but I recommend people to buy an iPhone instead.

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Getting a job is easier than getting an apartment.

Getting a job is easier than getting an apartment.

Posted in Thoughts , UK


Posted in Photography , UK | Tagged

I have taken the first steps towards having an awesome life.

I have taken the first step towards having an awesome life.

Posted in One-liners , Thoughts

Hunting for apartments

I'm on the prowl for apartments. It's disappointing what crap you get for a large amount of money. If you think 1000GBP ($1600) is a lot of money for an studio or single bed apartment you'd be wrong. I've flipped through hundreds of ads of that price range, and most of it is disappointingly shit. Sometimes you can find an apartment for 300 pounds cheaper which either has already been taken or is a scam by some Nigerian rat. To get something consistently good, even as far out as zone 4-5, you have to pay at least 1500 pounds. And that's a low estimate.

Things do get a bit easier if you let agencies help you, but then you have to deal with agencies. Like the age-old regex quote: you have a problem, you decide to solve it with a regular expression, now you have two problems. Agencies are like that.

I will keep trying. I am committed to at least 6 months of London. Let's make it happen.

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March 2011: one of the heaviest earthquakes ever recorded hits the Japanese mainland and does massive amounts of damage. The Japanese people behave in an orderly fashion and help each other deal with the crisis.

August 2011: one guy gets shot by the police in London and riots break out, resulting in the destruction of property and massive lootings.

  1. WTF?!
  2. This is supposed to be a first world country. Why are people looting and plundering?
  3. Aw, fuck it. I'm just very disappointed.
This tweet sums it up best:
The Youth of the Middle East rise up for basic freedoms.The Youth of London rise up for a HD ready 42" Plasma TV

Posted in Thoughts

Suunto Observer: a fantastic piece of crap



I've had a Suunto Observer watch for over five years now. Here's what I like about it:

  • The metal and the construction of the watch itself is awesome. It's unbreakable.
  • The altimeter is very useful when you're hiking or cycling.
  • It's waterproof.
That's it. Here's what I don't like about it:
  • The strap is the worst piece of crap you can imagine. The rubbery part of the strap quickly grows inflexible and just plan breaks within 6 months of using it. Suunto will rip you off for a replacement strap. I've had 2 replacement straps so far, and they both didn't last any longer than 6 months either. It's a fucking ripoff. For the remainder of the time I've been using a cheapass third-party strap because they don't break. They look ugly, though.
  • The compass stopped working a couple of years ago. I sent it to Suunto outside of the warranty period. They charged me a shitload of money and didn't fix it.
The wristband thing is a bit like what printer manufacturers do with ink, except it isn't. If you buy a printer you can reasonable expect to have to buy ink every once in a while. If I buy a watch then I really just expect the wristband to not fucking break. Suunto disagrees and would like you to spend 70 pounds on a piece of shit that breaks every 6 months.

No, I'm not happy with my watch, or the lack of support from Suunto's side. I've e-mailed them several times with my wristband issues, but they simply refuse to do anything about it if it's outside the warranty period, despite countless posts on internet forums of other users that have the same problem. I do know one thing: my next watch is not going to be a Suunto.

Update: I'm going with a Casio Pro Trek watch these days. It suits me much better.

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Posted in Photography , UK

We need boredom to be creative.

We need boredom to be creative.

This is very important, and I'm not being sarcastic. I live my life by this rule. If I had no boredom left in life, I'd turn into a salaryman.

Posted in Thoughts

Short thoughts

Sometimes when I'm away from my computer I think of something that I want to blog about. In such moments I've pretty much thought out exactly what the post will flow like, but I don't have time to do it at that moment, so I write a short note. These notes tend to accumulate because I never feel the same enthusiasm for the topic after my initial moment of inspiration. I usually throw them away but in the interest of life-logging I might as well put them online. Here's the crap my brain came up with in the past weeks.

  • Human beings are only interesting to me if they are exceptionally unique or if they have the potential to change a lot in the future.
  • I have way too many things I want to do: I need at least twice as much free time to exercise all my interests.
  • British milk is different from Dutch milk. No matter which brand I try, British milk is just water that tastes like milk. (Yes, even the whole milk)
  • I want to make an online photo gallery in Python that automatically loads all photos from my private photo folder. I want to make my photos downloadable and viewable to a select few people so I don't have to keep sharing it with them. But I have no time to make this.
  • On starting my new job: I never felt so comfortable so quickly. I really like my job.
  • I no longer want to work for Google anymore. I don't think it'd fit my personality type.
  • That said, I'm much better at applying for a job that I don't want (really badly) than a job that I must have.
  • Bought a Nexus S phone. Can't be arsed to write a review. Battery life is good. It still feels like a cheap iPhone. I'm sure I wouldn't have thought that if I had never touched an iDevice before.
  • I no longer eat breakfast and usually only have a light dinner, but I stuff myself with free food at company lunches. It might not be healthy, but it sure as hell is economical.
I went to Osterley park the other day. Here's a photo.

Posted in Thoughts