A new home on the web

Hi everyone, welcome to my new home. I finally decided it was time to move out of daddy wordpress.com's safehouse and start living by myself.

I've had the colorfulwolf.com domain for a while now, but I could never be bothered to set up a proper wordpress installation. Since I've got a lot of free time I finally decided to take the plunge. The biggest change is of course the look. The theme I was using on my old blog is not available for a homebrew wordpress install. I considered using someone else's theme, but since I was also working on a look for my online portfolio I decided to stick with that and convert it to a wordpress theme. As a programmer who feels at home in backends and databases, I can tell you that UI development is quite... interesting.

The theme is fairly basic, and not quite generic yet. I'm considering publishing it, but it'll need some changes before that. There's some Google analytics code and some site-specific stuff in there, but most if it is already generic and can be configured through the admin interface.

Looking at my old blog I decided that the sidebar was mostly useless, and people wouldn't really need to look at both the sidebar and the post content at the same time, so I made it hidden by default. Using jquery it will slide out from the right, over the post content. I did this so I can have wider posts, which is great for photoblogging. Another cool feature of the homebrew wordpress install is that you can have post types. So besides the regular narrow text posts I can have wide photo posts, and also 'aside' posts, which are a bit like tweets. See the post below this one for an example. There's also a post type called 'gallery' which should show an image gallery. I think I might implement that with jquery as well.

So, this is where I'll be hanging out in the near (and probably far) future. There's a ton of things I want to do to improve this layout, and now that I'm hosting it myself I can actually do all the things I want. It's a lot more effort, but at least I'm in control of everything. Just the way I like it :D



Posted in Daily Life , Tech

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