Short thoughts

Sometimes when I'm away from my computer I think of something that I want to blog about. In such moments I've pretty much thought out exactly what the post will flow like, but I don't have time to do it at that moment, so I write a short note. These notes tend to accumulate because I never feel the same enthusiasm for the topic after my initial moment of inspiration. I usually throw them away but in the interest of life-logging I might as well put them online. Here's the crap my brain came up with in the past weeks.

  • Human beings are only interesting to me if they are exceptionally unique or if they have the potential to change a lot in the future.
  • I have way too many things I want to do: I need at least twice as much free time to exercise all my interests.
  • British milk is different from Dutch milk. No matter which brand I try, British milk is just water that tastes like milk. (Yes, even the whole milk)
  • I want to make an online photo gallery in Python that automatically loads all photos from my private photo folder. I want to make my photos downloadable and viewable to a select few people so I don't have to keep sharing it with them. But I have no time to make this.
  • On starting my new job: I never felt so comfortable so quickly. I really like my job.
  • I no longer want to work for Google anymore. I don't think it'd fit my personality type.
  • That said, I'm much better at applying for a job that I don't want (really badly) than a job that I must have.
  • Bought a Nexus S phone. Can't be arsed to write a review. Battery life is good. It still feels like a cheap iPhone. I'm sure I wouldn't have thought that if I had never touched an iDevice before.
  • I no longer eat breakfast and usually only have a light dinner, but I stuff myself with free food at company lunches. It might not be healthy, but it sure as hell is economical.
I went to Osterley park the other day. Here's a photo.

Posted in Thoughts

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